Investment Trends adheres to the code of professional practice of market, social and survey research in Hong Kong in accordance with the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research.
In accordance with the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research, Investment Trends seeks to protect the privacy of individuals through protection of personal information. Market and social research is based on the willing co-operation of the public and the business community. Such co-operation depends on public and business confidence that market research is carried out honestly and objectively using processes that protect the identity and rights of individuals, and without any unwelcome intrusion.
The Rights of Respondents
The respondent's co-operation in a market research project is entirely voluntary at all stages. They must not be misled when being asked for their co-operation.
The respondent's anonymity must be strictly preserved.
The interviewer must take all reasonable precautions to ensure that respondents are in no way directly harmed or adversely affected as a result of their participation in a market research project.
The interviewer must take special care when interviewing children and young people. The consent of a parent or guardian must first be obtained for interviews with children.
Respondents must be told if observation techniques or recording equipment are being used, except where these are used in a public place. If a respondent so requests, the record or relevant section of it must be destroyed or deleted.
Respondents must be able to check without difficulty the identity and bona fides of the interviewer.
The Professional Responsibilities of the Interviewers
Interviewers must not, whether knowingly or negligently, act in any way which could bring discredit on the market research profession or lead to a loss of public confidence in it.
Interviewers must not make false claims about their skills and experience or about those of their organization.
Interviewers must not unjustifiably criticise or discredit other interviewers.
Interviewers must ensure the security of all research records in their care.
When acting in their capacity as interviewers, the interviewer must not undertake any non-research activities.
The Mutual Rights and Responsibilities of Interviewer
Market research briefs, specifications and other information provided by the client, the research data and findings from a market research project remain the property of the client and must not be disclosed by an interviewer to any third party without the client's permission. The client has, however, no right to know the names and addresses of respondents unless the respondent's explicit permission for this has first been obtained by the interviewers.
The interviewer must not disclose the identity of the client (provided there is no legal obligation to do so) or any confidential information about the client's business to any third party without the client's permission.
The interviewer must allow checks to be conducted on their work at all times.
Collection and use of personal data
Investment Trends complies with the requirements of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff to the standards of security and confidentiality in line with industry standards.
The kinds of personal information we collect
The kinds of personal information we collect from you includes:
contact details (i.e. name, address, email address, phone number, fax number);
information about your employment and experience (i.e. employer name and address, your position/title, age, information about your previous employment and education);
your response to our surveys and questionnaires;
for customers – information about your business and your requirements;
statistical information regarding the use of our website including users’ IP address and the date and time of visits; and
How we collect personal information
We collect personal information through various means, including when you:
engage us to perform services for you or purchase our reports,
respond to our surveys and questionnaires,
enter into a competition or trade promotion that we run;
make enquiries with us,
sign up for reports, use our website,
apply for employment or
when you are referred to us by third parties.
The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information
Our main purposes for collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal information are to:
conduct research, analyse the results, create reports and allow for peer-review;
provide research and analytical services to our customers; and
and provide prizes and incentives to promotion winners.
We also collect information from:
customers in order to deliver our products and services and to market other products and services that may be of interest; and
contractors and employees in order to maintain and manage delivery of the services we need to support our business
We disclose the identities of our research subjects only to those directly involved in carrying out the market research project, to enable delivery of prizes or to facilitate the provision or distribution of survey incentives.
We publish the names and state of prize winners on our website.
Direct marketing
We may, from time to time, send you marketing materials about our services. If you are receiving promotional information from us and do not wish to receive this information any longer, please contact us using our contact details below asking to be removed from our mailing lists, or use the unsubscribe facilities included in our marketing communications. No marketing materials will be sent to those who have only provided contact details to Investment Trends as part of filling out surveys (survey respondents). These email addresses will be used only for the purpose of delivering prizes and sending further survey invitations if so requested.
Accessing and correcting the information we keep about you
Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486), you have the right to access and/or correct their personal data. Accordingly, customers may contact our Data Protection Officer by using the channels prescribed below.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any concerns or complaints about how we handle your personal information, you would like to have your personal information deleted, or you have any questions about this policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer:
Contact person: Compliance Officer
Address: Level 6, 143 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
We will investigate your complaint and will use reasonable endeavours to respond to you in writing within 30 days of receiving the complaint.
We reserve change this Privacy Policy at any time and notify you by posting an updated version of the policy on our website
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