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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions Hong Kong 2024





  1. 參加資格:所有18歲或以上的中國內地或香港居住的人,只要提供在中國內地或香港的住址(不需要住址證明)及在幸運抽獎活動期間完成並提交Investment Trends的網上調查問卷(通過電郵收到),就有資格參加幸運抽獎。
  2. 每個電話號碼/電郵地址最多只會有一次有效的提交會接受隨機抽獎。
  3. 幸運抽獎活動由2024年10月28日開始,此活動的截止日期是2024年12月26日下午2時30分(香港本地時間)。
  4. 幸運抽獎活動將抽取十五名獲獎者,每位獲獎者均能選擇價值1,000港元的獎品一份:海港城禮券一張,iTunes禮品卡一張,或Google Play禮品卡一張。獎品合計總值15,000港元。獎品不可轉讓、退款或要求更換。
  5. 幸運抽獎活動將於2025年1月3日下午12時30分(香港本地時間)在 Level 6, 143 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia 進行。
  6. 幸運抽獎的得獎者將由電腦隨機選出,並由一名獨立的觀察員在場見證。得獎者如因未能完成問卷調查或不願提供聯絡姓名、地址、電話以至奬品無法送遞,Investment Trends有權取消其資格,並由侯補得獎者補上。在抽獎過程中將會同時抽出一份候補名單。若獎品在2025年2月10日下午12時30分(香港本地時間)之前無人領取,沒領獎的得獎者將會失去獲獎資格。在該情况下,由侯補得獎者補上。
  7. 得獎者名單將於2025年1月10日在Investment Trends的網站, 英文虎報和星島日報上公佈。2025 年 1月 15 日或以前,Ahead Research Consultants將以電郵通知得獎者。若無法以電郵聯絡到得獎者,Ahead Research Consultants也可能致電通知
  8. 失去資格的得獎者不可向Investment Trends或Ahead Research Consultants Ltd求償。
  9. 若參與者遲交問卷、問卷遺失或在答題時受誤導,主辦單位概不負責。
  10. 所有問卷為Investment Trends所有。問卷調查所收集到的數據將保持匿名,並根據國際商會(ICC)/世界專業研究人協會(ESOMAR)市場與社會研究國際標準以及Investment Trends的私隱保密政策保密。

舉辦幸運抽獎活動機構為Investment Trends, Level 6, 143 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. ABN 14 107 485 656. 「推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:59309」(只適用於香港地區)



  1. Eligible Respondents: Entry is open to people who live in Mainland China/ Hong Kong and provide a residential address in Mainland China/ Hong Kong (no address proof is needed) and are aged 18 years or over and complete and submit the Investment Trends online survey that will be emailed to them during the lucky draw period.
  2. One completed valid entry per email address/ phone number will be accepted into the random draw.
  3. The lucky draw period commences from now 28/10/2024 and entries close on 26/12/2024 at 2:30pm (Hong Kong Local Time).
  4. The draw consists of 15 winners each receiving their choice of a value HK$1,000 iTunes, Google Play gift card or Harbor City voucher. Total prizes valued at HK$ 15,000. Prizes are not transferable or refundable or exchangeable.
  5. The draw will take place at Level 6, 143 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia on 03/01/2025 at 12:30pm (Hong Kong Local Time
  6. The winners of all prizes in the Lucky Draw will be determined through a computerized random selection process. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute any winner found to be disqualified; a winner/respondent if their response if found to be disqualified for not completing the survey, or not providing a correct name, address and telephone number for the purposes of delivering the prizes incentive only. During the designated draw, a waiting list of reserved winners will be drawn in the case of the prize(s) being unclaimed by 10/02/2025 at 12:30pm (Hong Kong Local Time). In such case, the list of reserved winners will be used to determine the alternative prize winner(s).
  7. The list of winners will be published on the Investment Trends website, The Standard and Sing Tao Daily on 10/01/2025. Winners will also be notified directly by Ahead Research Consultants by 15/01/2024 via email or via phone if the email address is not available.
  8. The prize winner whose prize has been forfeited is not entitled to any payment or compensation whatsoever from the Investment Trends or Ahead Research Consultants Limited.
  9. No responsibility accepted for late, lost or misdirected entries
  10. All entries become the property of the Promoter. All data collected from this survey will remain anonymous in accordance with the ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market and Social Research and the privacy policy of Investment Trends.

The company which holds the lucky draw is Investment Trends, Level 6, 143 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. ABN 14 107 485 656. “Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 59309” (For Hong Kong Region Only)


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